[CT2] {Week 2}
Second lecture of CT2 behind us! We started looking at C and some of its basic elements. Below a list of topics that we went through plus links those topics on www.tutorialspoint.com:
We also started looking and implementing some C code and analysing how it behaves as we went through it step by step.
So here's the link to the Lecture slides and Lab (homework) notes:
I recommend going trough the slides and making sure that you understand all the topics (for more in-depth explanation you can use the links listed above or do your own search, maybe Youtube would be a good approach?).
Also, make sure you do the Lab exercises and in general practice C! When it comes to programming languages - you can read about them 10 times and still have doubts, but you run it once and all seems clear!
Aaaand for those who are up for a challenge - below a link to my very own pointer explanator! Try to figure out what that brain of mine scribbled there... (download c file or open and copy and paste the code)
Still not sure how to install the C environment (or use some cloud service for C) or how to compile and run a C code? Give me or one of your mates a shout! Don't sit on it until it's too late!
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