OOP - Assignment 1
So let's get cracking with our first Assignment for OOP.
We're after week 2 as for now and what we know so far is very basic. Even if you look at the first question that mentions an interface, you might ask yourself what the hell is that...
The fact is that a lot of information required for this Assignment will come up during next 3 weeks, so... I'll be googling a lot! Feel free to do the same with me here.
Ok, question A:
What is an interface? Have a look at this article, as it explain it very well. Short introduction how to implement it in our assignment below:
We're after week 2 as for now and what we know so far is very basic. Even if you look at the first question that mentions an interface, you might ask yourself what the hell is that...
The fact is that a lot of information required for this Assignment will come up during next 3 weeks, so... I'll be googling a lot! Feel free to do the same with me here.
Ok, question A:
a) Create a CalculateGrade interface which specifies two
i) calculate GradeAverage
ii) assign Grade
What is an interface? Have a look at this article, as it explain it very well. Short introduction how to implement it in our assignment below:
Question B:
b) Design a Class which represents a Student which
implements CalculateGrade. It is to have the following fields, Name, Student
Number, Course, Current Year , Registration Status, An Arraylist of marks for
the 10 topics the student is studying as part of their Course. You are to
implement i) calculateGradeAverage to calculate the average of all the subject
marks recorded for the student and ii) assignGrade to output a corresponding
grade for the calculated grade average according to the scheme
A grade for a grade average over 80
B grade for a grade average greater than or equal to 70 and
less than 80
C grade for a grade average greater than or equal to 60 and less than 70
D grade for a grade average greater than or equal to 50 and less than 60
E grade for a grade average greater than or equal to 40 and less than 50
F grade for a grade average
less than 40
Below my video on creating Student class:
And here - how to test it:
Question C:
c) Design an Undergraduate subclass of the Student class. It
is to have the following extra fields: stream which indicates the particular
stream of a course a student is following e.g. data Analytics in a Computer
Science course, and a field representing their Final year project topic. You
are to have a method that works out the initials of an Undergraduate and
displays these. You are also to have a method which displays a warning for any
Undergraduate whose grade average is less than a D grade.
A subclass extends its super class to inherit some of the super class' fields and methods. Below a couple of notes about how to approach the Undergraduate subclass:
Part two: finishing Undergraduate subclass and testing it with use of a static variable below:
Question D:
d) Write a program which creates 20 instances of
Undergraduates. It is to display the name of the Undergraduate with the highest
average mark overall. It is also to display the name of the Undergraduate with
the highest average mark in each stream. It is also to display a warning and
the initials of all graduates whose grade average is less than a D grade.
For now, here's an overly-done example that I came up with - but no code yet! Just a couple of notes and hints before you start making your own program. If you watched all my videos and did the testing programs, you should have a good idea how to make the main class that will utilise the classes we just created. Good luck!
Pretty intense, huh? If you're all done with this assignment, make sure you post the screenshot of your terminal screen with a running program on Facebook :) Again, probably something less complicated than in the video above, but as long as it works - feel free to brag about it! :)
There's no video about the main function, but for now you can find the finished assignment in a link below:
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