[CT2] {Week 1}

You must be blind not to C!
How's everyone after our first day of Comp Tech 2? Interesting, isn't it? Last year it bugged me a bit that all the stuff we learned in CT1 was a bit abstract, but I guess this semester we will get closer to actual computers!

Anyway, let me just post here a couple of things that are worth doing after our first lecture:

1) Enroll to Webcourses CT2; ID (not name!): TECH2001; no password.
2) Follow the instructions to install PuTTY properly (in Webcourses Labs folder).
3) Revise the slides in Webcourses Lectures/week1 folder.
4) Answer the 2 questions at the very end of the 'lecture 1 LMC and overview of OS' file. If any questions/problems arise feel free to use Comments to post them.
If you can't be arsed to log into the web courses, feel free to browse my google drive with all the up to date files for CT2:

Good fortune!
