[CT2] {Week 6}

Get in a queue, we're about to stack!

My puns become less and less funny...

But anyway, we are already discussing Stack and Queue data structures that are fundamental to many concepts and functions in computers. We didn't really focus on what can they be used for, but it'll come later. If you would like to expand that knowledge on your own (and as I said before, it's always good to be prepared before the lectures), you can start googling such as 'what stack and queue is used for'. For example, that's what I found:

Stacks and Queues

It's good to know what we're learning about and try to comprehend how it works - and because we have very limited time during our lectures to cover it all, it's good to do some searching on our own.

And when it comes to the mechanics of stacks and queues - the stuff that we covered this week on CT2 - it's crucial we all understand the concept of pointers. And then structs I suppose. And functions.

But let's start with the pointers! I made an article where I'm going through them silly pointers and try to explain how they work in C in two short(ish) videos. Check it out in a link below!

In-depth explanation of pointers

Let me know if you still have any issues with pointers and I'll try to tackle your concerns if I can. Those videos are far from pefect, but I'm sure they'll help you at least a bit.

Oh, and CT2 test is next week! I'll try to put some preparation videos on my blog too. Stay tuned :)

